Medical Professionals

Nurses are currently in high demand in Australia and for this reason, if you are a nurse, you might be able to get your visa processed quite quickly. There are excellent nursing jobs and career opportunities available, whether you want to immigrate to Australia, or just stay for a few years.
Required qualifications
In Australia, to work as a nurse you need to be in good health and have a certain level of education and experience.
To determine whether you can work in Australia as a nurse, you will need to be assessed by either the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Council (ANMC) or the nurse regulatory body in the State or Territory in which you wish to work.
If you would like to work in a hospital or other health care area, you will also need to pass a health examination which includes a chest x-ray.
Medical Practitioner Temporary Visa
Medical Practitioner visas are a temporary visa to allow Australian employers to sponsor doctors to work in Australia. Overseas doctors can be sponsored for a period of 4 years to work in areas of high demand, such as rural and regional areas. The term 'medical practitioner' covers radiologists, doctors, or specialists in any medical field. This visa is not designed for nurses or other paramedical professions, who should look at the Temporary Business Visa.
At present there is a high demand for medical professionals in Australia as many country areas are experiencing difficulties in hiring suitable staff. Facilities are good, and there are back-up services such as the Royal Australian Flying Doctor. If you are considering a move to Australia, and you hold good qualifications, this is an excellent opportunity.
Employer Nomination Scheme
If you are sponsored by an employer, are less than 45 years of age and have three years training followed by three years relevant work experience, you may be eligible for a permanent visa under this scheme. This scheme is designed to help employers that have been unable to fill a vacancy from the Australian labour market or through their own training.
Labour Agreements
A Labour Agreement between an employer and the Australian Government allows an employer to recruit nurses on a permanent basis to fill vacant positions as needed.
Skilled Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme
This scheme helps employers in regional or low population growth areas recruit skilled overseas nurses on a permanent basis, when they are unable to fill vacancies from the local labour market. You must have the equivalent of an Australian diploma (two years full-time study) or higher to be considered under this scheme.
Skill Matching visa
This visa is for nurses whose skills are in demand and are seeking to be nominated by a State or Territory government or an employer. To qualify for this permanent visa, you must satisfy certain criteria for skills, age and English language ability.
Business visa
The business visas option allows a registered nurse to work temporarily in Australia for an approved business sponsor. You can stay up to four years with full work rights for yourself and accompanying family members.
Skilled Independent visa
The skilled independent visa is a permanent visa is for nurses who do not have a sponsor or who choose not to be sponsored. You must pass a points test that considers a range of factors including skills, age, English language ability, specific work experience and occupation. Additional points are awarded if you have Australian qualifications and work experience.
Working Holiday Maker visa
If you are between 18 and 30, you may be able to come to Australia temporarily for a working holiday. This visa allows you to stay for 12 months and work as a nurse with any one employer for a maximum of three months, provided your work remains incidental to your holidays.
If you have questions about whether you qualify for one of these schemes and would like an opinion or advice, please contact using our Australian immigration enquiry form.