Passport Checklist

A ) While applying for a fresh passport, attach two copies of the following documents:
1 . Proof of address (attach one of the following): Applicant’s ration card, certificate from Employer of reputed companies on letter head, water /telephone /electricity bill/ statement of running bank account/Income Tax Assessment Order /Election Commission ID card, Gas connection Bill, Spouse’s passport copy, parent’s passport copy in case of minors. (NOTE: If any applicant submits only ration card as proof of address, it should be accompanied by one more proof of address out of the above categories).
2 . Proof of Date of Birth (attach one of the following):Birth certificate issued by a Municipal Authority or district office of the Registrar of Births & Deaths; Date of birth certificate from the school last attended by the applicant or any other recognized educational institution; or an Affidavit sworn before a Magistrate/Notary stating date/place of birth by illiterate or semi-illiterate applicants. N.B.: In the case of applicants born on or after 26.01.89, only Birth Certificate issued by the Municipal Authority or the Office of the Registrar of Births & Deaths is acceptable.
3 . Citizenship Document if applicant is a citizen of India by Registration or Naturalization.
4 . Government/Public Sector/Statutory body employees should submit “Identity Certificate” in original along with Standard .
5 . If the applicant is eligible for “ECNR” attach attested copy of supporting document.
6 . If the applicant was repatriated at Government cost, enclose documents to show that the expenditure, if any, incurred by the Government of India on his/her repatriation has been fully refunded to the Government of India, Ministry of External Affairs.
7 . If the applicant was ever deported to India, give details of Emergency Certificate/Passport.
B ) When applying for reissue of a passport after 10 years, attach:
- Old passport in original with self-attested photocopy of its first four and last four pages, including ECR/ECNR page.
- Document mentioned at (A) (4), if applicable.
- Document mentioned at (A) (5), if the old passport did not have ECNR stamp or it was issued when the applicant was a minor.
- If there is any change in address, document mentioned at A (1).
- If the old passport does not contain spouse name, attach copy of marriage certificate issued by the Registrar of Marriage or affidavits to support the same.
C ) When applying for a minor’s passport attach:
- There are different Annexure used to file the application for the minor child and for further details contact us to support you
- Attested photocopy of passport, if any, of both parents, applicable
- Original passports of parents should be presented for verification of particulars
- If one parent is resident abroad, a sworn affidavit by the parent resident abroad attested by the Indian Mission along with affidavit from parent residing in India as well be submitted.
For Adopted Children:
A )In case of Adopted Children the following documents are to be furnished:
- Valid adoption deed registered as per Indian laws
- In the case of Christians, Muslims and Parsis, a court order granting guardianship and allowing the child to be taken out of the Country.
- In the case of Christians, Muslims and Parsis, a court order granting guardianship and allowing the child to be taken out of the Country.
Following marriage, remarriage or divorce:
(1) A woman applying for change of name/surname in existing passport due to marriage must furnish:
- Photocopy of the Husband’s passport, if any, and
- An attested copy of marriage certificate issued by Registrar of Marriage OR an affidavit from the husband and wife along with a joint photograph.
(2) Divorcees applying for change of name OR for deletion of spouse’s name in existing passport must furnish
- Certified copy of Divorce degree.
- Deed poll/sworn affidavit
(3) Re-married applicants applying for change of name/spouse’s name must furnish:
- Divorce deed/death certificate as the case may be in respect of first spouse, and
- Document as at (1) above relating to second marriage
- In other circumstances for change of name, the applicant (both male and female) should furnish:
- Deed poll/sworn affidavit
- Paper cuttings of two leading daily newspapers in original (one daily newspaper should be of the area of applicant’s permanent and present address or nearby area)